Lessons In Independent Learning From The Classroom For MedEd
I write on this because I have unusual, if not unique experience, in
medicine and as a general psychologist who somehow became a facilitator of
curricular, methodological and cultural change for school education using a
central, integrated system designed by an international multidisciplinary team.
Complaining About Reality
There are a series of questions and problems that are coming
up in medical education on Twitter that boil down to the culture of Independent
Learning for post-graduate doctors but also apply to any graduate program and
they require far more than 140 word sound bites to address them.
One side of the problem is that newly qualified specialists
feel unready to cope with the rigours of their new job after leaving the
protected environment of MedEd and mentorship, always having somebody to fall
back and rely upon, http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2013/12/graduate-medical-education-failing.html. They claim to be unprepared for real medical world
The trite answer is that this is inevitably going to happen
sooner or later. Sooner or later, every doctor will be thrown into the
complexities and uncertainties of medical practice and be expected to swim.
There is nothing that can fully prepare them for what it feels like to practice
without a safety net and be where the buck stops.
The only remaining question is whether this should happen
sooner or be postponed to later.
The old way was to do it sooner, literally taking newly
qualified medical students and throwing them in at the deep end to see if they
would sink or swim. They were really unprepared. It was extremely traumatic
psychologically, even psychiatrically. It was yet more dangerous for the
patients. So now intensive effort is put into delaying this event and doing
everything possible to prepare the doctor for this eventual challenge and
soften the blow. The time that it happens has been postponed until they have as
much knowledge and experience as possible.
In a comment to Dr T Chan’s much needed defence of MedEd
against these accusations, http://boringem.org/2013/12/22/counterpoint-graduate-medical-education-will-fine/, I used the metaphor that being let loose in
medicine is like a parachute jump. What used to happen is that the newly
qualified doctor was thrown out of the plane with only theoretical knowledge of
what to do next. Now, doctors have practiced freefall in a simulator and safe landings
off a scaffold in preparation. It is still going to be a little bit scary when
jumping for the first time from 5000 feet but nothing compared to having done
it the old fashioned way. It is a hell of a lot safer for everybody involved
than the old way.
Problem resolved. End of story. It is impossible to
completely remove this slight feeling of inadequacy and uncertainty but modern
medical education has reduced this dramatically and maybe even optimally. To
expect any more is unrealistic, especially when a host of other external
pressures on MedEd are taken into consideration. Simply, they are doing a damn
fine job of addressing this problem.
A Greater Perspective
However, the other side of this came up on Twitter and it
got more complicated. Medical educators were talking about problems of getting
doctors to adopt the culture of Independent Learning. I was shocked, horrified
and angry. You mean that for all the lip service that is paid to Independent
Learning in the education system, years of school, university and medical
school have not indoctrinated them to the culture of Independent Learning? The
students still want Dependent Learning methodology of teach recites elements of
curriculum for students to regurgitate in their examination to get an ‘A’ or at
least pass if they have memorised half of it?
No wonder they are unprepared for the real world when that
is their attitude towards medical education. There will be no syllabus or
curriculum. There is no turning round to the patient and saying ‘Sorry, my
teacher did not explain that’, ‘You have got the wrong disease’ or ‘You weren’t
in my syllabus’. They will have to cope with everything that is thrown at them
including difficult risk/benefit decisions with multiple pathologies and all
sorts of psychological and sociological factors where the answers are far from
certain. And forget grades in the real world of medicine. Even straight ‘A’s is
not good enough, let alone scraping by. They are going to have to get 100%
first time and consistently or patients will die.
These archaic, schoolish attitudes to MedEd are
inappropriate in clinical practice. They are unacceptable. They come from the
traditional culture of Dependent Learning that even school education claims to
have relegated to a dark past.
The educational mentality that a doctor at the top of their
profession needs is the culture of Independent Learning. It is a joy and love
for powerful knowledge that is independently discovered because it is needed in
real life. There is a thirst for all knowledge and constant, self-motivated
process of self-improvement towards perfection when this Independent Learning
culture has been fully adopted. It is exactly what a doctor needs.
Independent Learning also teaches the self-confidence
necessary to deal with the complexities and uncertainties of life that are
everyday life in medicine. That is what these newly qualified specialists are
Paradoxically, the darkest past of MedEd did have a solution
that created the culture of Independent Learning in medicine. It was to set
impossibly high standards to pass examinations allied with crap incompetent
teachers and methodology. It worked. Students had no choice but to become
It really was not helpful. Worse still, in the modern world
where interns and residents pay for their MedEd, it was unsalable. So teaching
standards had to improve for every imaginable reason but at the same time, that
made the paradox painful. The better teachers are, the more students can rely
and depend on them. Catch-22. Better teaching standards appear to cause more
Dependent Learning.
That only happens when the students are accustomed to the
Dependent Learning culture as their norm. It is in their subconscious minds and
their emotions demand it, even making hypocrisy of their well-intended words
about Independent Learning. Their actions just keep slipping into the same old
Dependent Learning habits. And that is obviously what has happened in the past
educational experience of these doctors throughout high school, university and
med school. Proclamations that this is not true are disproven by the evidence.
They still want teacher to spoon feed them information to regurgitate for the
sake of grades. They have been indoctrinated by example and experience to
Dependent Learning.
And that is when the apparently no-win situation happens. If
the Dependent Learning culture persists, the better the teachers are, the more
dependent the students will try to become. They will pressurise the teacher to
participate in a co-dependent relationship because that is all that they know.
The only solution is to full adopt a culture of Independent
Independent Learning is A Complete System
The first thing to realise is that a good-enough teacher is
about as useful as a good-enough doctor. Neither will deliver the very highest
levels of quality in the service they provide. In education, only the best
teachers can create the culture of Independent Learning. However, it can be
learned systematically and through the self-disciplined practice guided by
knowledge and understanding.
Having said that, I really wished I was facilitating
educational reform workshops to doctors with a clean slate rather than teachers
with years of bad habits to erase and rewrite. I would have valued the
clinician’s self-discipline and objective focus. Perhaps more importantly, the
clinician has learned to adopt a more holistic thinking style in order to make
difficult diagnoses in the complex contexts based on consistency and fit, the
performance in explaining all of the available evidence both objective and
This type of curricula requires this type of complex
thinking. The culture of Independent Learning is a system and worldview that is
complete unto itself. It is like an organic ecosystem where the function and
survival of each element depends on the existence and practice of every other
element. So the culture of Independent Learning has to be practiced as a whole.
If any part is missing, the whole system collapses and somehow learning becomes
dependent again.
There is no picking and mixing. This is a matter of high
level critical reading which is life and death to the medical profession. Just
because blah blah blah said something works in a different system does not mean
that it applies in Independent Learning. The only evidence that counts is the
evidence that has been found within this interactive and interdependent system.
The international evidence is that the whole system works better than any other
form of education at every level.
In fact, these systems can produce the most miraculous
results or sometimes no change at all. This is not well understood within the
field of academic educationalists but the former seems to happen when the
background culture provides a few appropriate, missing pieces to the jigsaw
that the educationalists have provided to make that whole. If society provides
the wrong pieces to the jigsaw, the whole system breaks down.
For a start, the workshops to introduce and implement the
curriculum required the participants to generate basic principles in education
during group work so that they would own and take responsibility for the
changes that needed to be made. Their idea of team working was hierarchical,
passive-aggressive anarchy. Two or three would take over using impenetrable
jargon as a weapon to exclude the rest who would end up silently in a corner.
They would come up with every bizarrely, idiosyncratic intricacy but complete
miss the really simple and obvious conclusions that they had to reach. They did
not just fail in the educational sense. They achieved the exact opposite
including damaging the confidence of the excluded.
If the background cultural concept of teamwork is like this,
the educational system that relies on teamwork being a positive educational
experience is doomed to fail. If teachers use impenetrable jargon as a weapon
to assure their superiority rather than plain English to share knowledge, all
that the students can do is to repeat what teacher says word for word in their
exams without understanding a word of it. The gravest problems come from
getting a single one of the foundational basics wrong and the house of cards is
brought down.
These educational systems for Independent Learning are all
about getting a wide range of basic principles right. Get them all right and
the outcomes will be marvellous. Since these systems always measure outcomes,
they always have teeth attached. You do not want this thing to be your enemy.
You do not want to be its reluctant slave either, especially when you can be
its master. If you master all of the basics, this ominous system becomes your
obedient pet and you find that it gives incredible flexibility.
Class Size
Independent Learning works well with class sizes between 21
and 40 with the optimum being 28-32. These numbers come from the importance of
group work in Independent Learning. It is primarily in the group work that
Independent Learning takes place. Up to 80% of classroom time can be spent in
group work, including presentations and larger projects.
In my experience, the optimum group size is 7-8 for formal,
flat-structure group working and the optimum number of groups is 3-5 with 4
being about the best balance in practice, remembering that each group will need
time to present its conclusions and discuss them with the class.
Many educationalists will go much higher than this on the
principle that the more participants, the more diversity and the more likely
they will come up with all of the answers rather than that being left to the
teacher. Many, such as Jeremy Harmer, mention 50 as an ideal number but some go
as high as 200. Even at 50, group size is starting to become unwieldy and
unmanageable or the number of presentations too time consuming and repetitive
for viewers if they are considering similar issues.
However, they all agree for this reason that smaller class
sizes do not foster Independent Learning or its culture. If there are only 2
groups, the dynamics are of one group competing, often unhealthily, with
another rather than presenting to the majority of the class. Smaller group
sizes reduce diversity and discussion. In smaller groups the concept of
students clarifying what they have just learned often fails and peer teaching
is preferable in both ethical and practical terms.
The demand for smaller class sizes is simply the reaction to
the lecture mentality in the Dependent Learning culture. It is seen as
providing more access, time and attention from the teacher, which is regarded
as proving the quality of the experience but is also a classic sign of
Dependent Learning.
The Pro-Actively Present Lesson Plan
Of course, the great, naturally born geniuses of education
do not need to formally plan their lessons. They know exactly the right thing
to do. And it comes with experience too so planning lessons is just for
beginners. The mark of a good teacher is not planning lessons. It is proof of
just how great a teacher they are.
Completely wrong. That is old fashioned thinking from the
days of dependency. The Independent Learning culture requires structure and
forethought that only comes from formal, written lesson plan. More than just
being prepared, when it has become a pro-active and present part of the lesson,
lesson planning is
- · A means of maintaining focus and the structure of the lesson
- · An innate system of constant self-improvement for the lessons and the teacher
- · A system of observation with student rewards to motivate
- · A cultural learning tool in itself
The key is to understand that lesson planning is a long term
process. The first time that the particular lesson is going to be taught, the
lesson plan is a guess that is going to be tested in reality. First lesson
plans are not supposed to be perfect. They are certainly not rigid. The
important factor is that they are supposed to be annotated during the lesson
and afterwards to see how long individual elements of the lesson took and how
they could be improved upon next time the lesson is given. What worked well can
be identified and repeated. Sudden inspiration by the teacher or students can
be recorded and remembered. Any problems can be noted to try to think of
another solution next time. Feedback is considered and included. They are also
evaluated in terms of student performance in evaluations to identify which
themes were effectively learned and which need a rethink and improvement.
After the lesson has been given a few times, it really does
approach perfection.
So in a way, the lesson plan can be seen as an aide memoire.
It also immortalises the past brilliance of students by recording their words
and repeating them. The teacher really does become a facilitator of knowledge
in a culture where the students hardly seem to need a teacher because they can
do it for themselves. They can be as good if not better than the teacher.
This is a powerful reward system. The teacher is attentively
listening to every word and noting it down. And when the teacher speaks, their
words are laced with the individual and group wisdom of their students of the
past, even their names. If you do not write it down, you will forget. You must
be seen to write it down in the moment by the students so that they know their
greatness will not be forgotten.
It is all a part of the ‘can do’ culture, a constant culture
of proving just how intelligent and capable the students are. Every chance is
enthusiastically grasped by the teacher to illustrate the point. They do not
need a teacher. Students are capable of Independent Learning. Their confidence
grows as Independent Learners.
The facilitator of knowledge surrenders the belief that
teachers are the best direct teachers of knowledge and understanding. Many
heads are better than one. The teacher, to whom all this came far too easily,
rarely is the best person to explain a new concept to the lower band of students.
Their peers, the ones that got the concept first time, are better at
re-explaining the concept in words that they can relate to in their everyday
life and practice.
The teacher writes all this down to improve themselves as a
teacher and the lesson plan becomes student based knowledge and understanding
over time. The teacher is repeating what the students of the past taught them.
Now that is cultural change. The traditional roles of
student and teacher have truly been flipped by lesson planning. The traditional
hierarchy of the know-it-all teacher who is better than the students can ever
hope to be has been disbanded.
So why do they need a teacher at all?
The role of the teacher is in fact to provide structure to
the learning environment for optimum Independent Learning to take place. The
lesson plan is also the source of that structure. If the lesson plan is present
and seen by all, if it is waved in front of the students’ faces to make sure
that they notice its presence, it becomes a deep cultural symbol of forethought
and organised thought.
A major part of teaching is teaching by example. If the
example is not seen, the students learn nothing so do not be shy, as a teacher,
about showing how much time and consideration you have put into structuring the
lesson. Let the students see it. Give them a chance to respect it.
The presence of the lesson plan teaches prioritisation.
There is not time to do every single thing that we would like to do in life, in
medicine or in the classroom. This is time management. There is no time to get
lost in the details and forget the basics. If we get all of the basics right
and think of everything that is really important, everything comes together for
the best results.
And there is a time and a place for everything. Teaching
time is precious and must be put to the best use. There are other times to
learn the details.
The presence of the lesson plan shows the thought,
consideration and time management of the teacher to prevent side tracking and
getting lost in the details. The students see just how much the lesson must
cover and that there is not time for the little things.
The lesson is focused on a deep understanding of the basic
principles of the theme that leads to real world mastery. That is the teacher’s
responsibility, not the learning of the details. Learning the details is done
by the students in their own time, from textbooks or the web, once they have
mastered the fundamental concepts. It is the responsibility of the student to
memorise those details and the teacher cannot memorise them for the student.
However, they might teach them learning and memorisation
strategies. They will also ask the class to share any tricks that they use.
Experiential Learning Cycles
Independent Learning demands structure or it fails. There is
a time and a place for everything and everything must happen at its appropriate
time. There is an order in which things must happen for independent learning to
There is a time for the teacher to answer questions and help
the students to understand but if that happens before the students have been
given every opportunity to work it out for themselves, that possibility has
just been sabotaged.
There is a time for practice and application but it is right
at the end of the cycle once the students have a really deep understanding of
the principles that they will practice and apply. The last thing that the
student needs is to get it wrong when with a little patience they could get it
right first time. It will damage their confidence. This is about establishing
good new habits of thought and practice through consistency so that they become
second nature. Every time they get it wrong they are preventing and delaying
that process. They must be given every chance to get it right first time and
every time.
So Independent Learning happens in very specific order of
four stages known as the Kolb Cycle of Experiential Learning, first described
in 1984.
Ideally, which is the case with learning something new with
a blank slate, the process begins with Concrete Experience. Realistically in
MedEd, this is a case of relearning something that has been learned in the past
in theoretical and usually dependent terms. It may well have been practiced
before but in suboptimal terms that need rewriting, starting again at Concrete
Experience and asking the students to do their best to forget their old
attitudes and habits.
The very concept of Concrete Experience can be difficult for
doctors in theory. It is to deal with something innately or naturally in
practical terms without understanding it or really knowing what you are doing. It
appears to be the antithesis of everything that they know about medicine.
However, they are perfectly happy to accept this situation in terms of
psychology, communication skills and the very structure of the English language
that they are using all the time. Often, with routine practical skills, they
are just done the way that they are done and the precise anatomy that is being
dealt with is a distant memory that is rarely thought about actively.
Concrete Experience is learned by copying without
understanding or questioning why things are done the way that they are done.
Just get on with it. Do not ask silly questions.
And that is the response of the teacher during this stage of
the Independent Learning cycle. There will be time for understanding and
questions later.
Reflective Observation follows. Now the student individual
or in groups reflects on why they did as they did in Concrete Experience. This
must be done in their own words, words that they can truly and deeply relate to
in their own lives to foster deep understanding that they can apply in real
In Abstract Conceptualisation the teacher teaches the
formal, academic version of the subject, relating the technical words and
jargon to the students versions of understanding in their own words so that
they can ‘translate’ the jargon of the research, papers and textbooks that they
read on the subject to their real world understanding. Any errors in the
students’ Reflective Observation are corrected and their understanding placed
into context, showing how far it can be generalised and its limitations or
And the students are allowed to ask questions now!
Now the students should have a really good understanding at
every level of the basic principle that was being taught in the cycle. They
apply this in Active Experimentation then the students themselves, in pairs or
groups, evaluate themselves compared to the principle that they have learned to
see whether they were following it or not. This process continues until they
have established the habit of the correct practice of the principle which has
now become second nature. They do not need to think about the whys and
wherefores. They can just do it.
The cycle is complete. They have returned to Concrete
Experience but this is a very different Concrete Experience. They are doing the
right thing as second nature supported by knowledge and understanding. They do
not have to think about what they are doing but that knowledge is there in the
background if ever they need it in complicated cases in order to adapt.
This forms the foundation in which they can move on to the
next Experiential Learning Cycle on a new principle, building on the previous
cycles. One cycle builds upon another.
The four stages of the Kolb Experiential Learning Cycle
incorporate four very differ learning styles, two diametrically opposed pairs,
between feeling and theoretical thinking and watching and doing. At first
glance, you may think ‘That is nice. The cycle allows each person to learn
using the learning style that they are best at!’
Oh this is far cleverer than that! Learning styles are
themselves learned. Everybody is capable of learning by all four methods. It is
just that they have learned to rely on some more than others from experience.
Some they have never thought or practiced in the past as a result of their
educational and societal experience. They may even have mental blocks against
The best way to learn is to be willing and able practice all
four learning styles synergistically and learn at every level. That is exactly
what the Kolb Experiential Cycle encourages and promotes.
(I must say that the moment I saw the Kolb Experiential
Learning Cycle, I fell in love with it. I marvelled at its simplicity, elegance
and astonishing completeness. The more I thought about it, the more perfect and
wonderful it became.)
A General Methodology Framework for MedEd
The Kolb Experiential Learning Cycle is in a way the
theoretical expression of optimal Independent Learning. A General Methodology
Framework is the practical, step by step expression.
Plenary/Interaction – The presentation of new knowledge or a
revision of old knowledge that will be necessary to deal with this theme.
Real World Examples – The real world application of the
knowledge and understanding that is to be learned in this lesson in its
everyday context.
Testing Comprehension – Each individual student writes
answers to questions on the examples that make them carefully analyse the text
and think about it. They are not expected to get the answers right, just to
think about it.
Reflection in Groups – Groups are given specific tasks and
questions to answer to gain a fundamental understanding of the core objective
in their own words that they understand and can apply in the real world.
Presentation of Group Work – With Questions and Answers from
the rest of the class followed by a class discussion.
The Teacher Teaches! – The teacher takes the rules of the
students, correcting them if necessary, extrapolates them and explains any
limitations or exceptions. They teach them the jargon that they will encounter
in their research as it relates to their owned concepts and gives references
and advice on further reading in the subject.
Application and Self Evaluation – The class now knows the
concepts and put those concepts into real world practice then they
self-evaluate to see how they perform according to those principles that they
have learned. Teacher goes from group to group ensuring that this is occurring.
Project Work – Groups are given different aspects of the
topic to research in detail and present to the class. May be a recurrent
process, with a dozen or more projects being done within the cycle over weeks.
Into The Real World – The group examines real patients,
helping one another. Then they discuss the diagnosis and treatment plan as a
group so that they learn and integrate a wider perspective on patient
management before presenting it.
Evaluation – For individuals to test their really
fundamental understanding and application of the subject from first principles.
Feedback Advice – What the student is doing well and what
they need to work on in future.
Re-Evaluation – Depending on what has been learned well and
learned inadequately, lesson plans and even the curriculum are reconsidered to
perfect them.
Understanding of The Objective
The Experiential Learning Cycle is the core and the backbone
of Independent Learning but it is far from everything. It is only used for the
mastery of the most fundamental principles that must be deeply understood for
mastery of the subject to be attained. So it is only used when there is a
specific, understandable concept that must be mastered.
It is used for new principles and concepts. It is also used
to correct concepts that have been mis-learned or misunderstood, often because
society has got the wrong end of the stick.
This is where the structured classroom time is important.
Anything that is not profound understanding of principles is external to the
Experiential Learning Cycle. It is incidental detail to the core cycle that
happens to crop up in class. Usually, these are the details that it is the
students’ responsibility to learn and memorise and it happens at least as well
outside of the classroom structure.
So the objectives of what is to be taught using the Kolb
Cycle must be very, very carefully defined and thought through. In fact there
are very few of these fundamental objectives that can be taught using the Kolb
Lesson planning is where this forethought takes place. To an
extent, this is usually done for the individual teacher. The identification of
these fundamental objectives that must be taught is an essential and really
difficult part of designing a curriculum. That is such a difficult job to do
really well that it requires massive collaboration of the very best experts.
This is true to the extent that governments import the very top international
experts to design their school curricula.
It is necessary to ensure the highest levels of Independent
Learning. Individual teachers are rarely able to do this alone. They need
central guidance. They are generally given the ‘Contents’ of what they should
teach by international experts and are then left to ‘Distribute’ those contents
into individual lessons according to their local experience of teaching their
students to decide which of the contents will require more or less time and
emphasis. They decide the details of how they will be taught.
Examples of objectives for MedEd are perhaps few and far
between. Some examples would include:-
Dispelling any societal belief that we mainly
breathe to take in oxygen when the normal drives to respiration are carbon
dioxide levels and maintaining blood acid/base balance.
Concreting the belief of the importance of
exercise in health including early mobilisation, physical therapy and avoiding
bed rest in recuperation.
Teaching the importance of Cognitive Empathy for
healthcare professionals.
Changing the culture of reliance on
investigations rather than clinical acumen.
There are so few of these fundamental principles in MEdEd
that a single cycle can last for weeks, using numerous and varied examples of
real world application in group work. The cycle is the core of this work that
is ever present but hundreds or thousands of other facts and details are being
learned around this one central core principle. They are not facts or details
that require this deep understanding and they are not being taught using the
Kolb Cycle. They are being learned incidentally, almost by passive osmosis.
They are being discovered rather than taught.
The teacher is only really responsible for their students
understanding the core principles and instilling the culture of Independent
Learning. There is a transfer of responsibility for everything else to the
students. They must learn all the details by themselves.
If students discover those details because they want and
need to use them in real life, their retention rate soars. A non-medical
example of this is that when teaching a foreign language, new vocabulary that
the teacher teaches can have as low as a 10% retention rate. It literally goes
in one ear and out the other. The more that it is processed between the ears,
the more likely it is to stick. If the student has discovered and used the word
independently, retention rates can increase to as high as 90%.
A Pre-Mature Conclusion
I shall stop here because this ‘blog’ is already over five
thousand words and heading to the length of a short e-book even in this
concise, abbreviated form. Further elements of Independent Learning such as
Flat Structure Multi-Disciplinary Group Work for Education will become further
blogs leading to a proper conclusion.
Already what has been written represents a cultural
revolution in MedEd. It is such a cultural revolution in school education that
there is still cultural resistance despite trying to introduce this type of
education for over half a century now. There is talk of the teacher
disappearing into the background and becoming only a facilitator of knowledge
but a society of students and parents have not come to terms with this concept.
They still expect the teacher to teach.
Hopefully, MedEd has a easier and more cooperative audience
with its students being fully trained and highly intelligent doctors who deeply
value their educational experience. However, they need to know what is going on
too; the importance, objectives and methodology of the Independent Learning
Process so that they can actively, even enthusiastically participate in that
process. And that process does offer the most miraculous outcomes in terms of
both competence and culture. It even offers a solution to the question of newly
qualified specialists feeling like they are being thrown in at the deep end
without a parachute.
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